Final Final Final

I started off this project by choosing what my target audience should be and what type of fruit or vegetable I wanted to work with. I decided to target boys and girls, in their late teenage years, who are the cool nerds/hipsters, living their life on social networks and always eager to see what new fads can be for fun. I decided to promote broccoli since it is my favorite vegetable and it is so rich in vitamins and is very healthy for you.  I came up with the meme idea, because I just discovered them myself and I find them very funny and entertaining. I thought it would be fun and interesting to introduce the meme idea into advertising and using it as a promotional tool to spread the message.



For my final, for the final presentation, I decided to keep my posters the way I made them for my midterm review. The only thing I had to do was to manipulate the the colors of the broccoli, because when I test printed the posters, the brocoli turned red. I also added a “FOOD FOR THOUGHT” logo and a little description about the project and the message of the posters.

For my promotional idea, I decided to make an envelope that you fold and where you can place a little bag of broccoli-seeds inside. The idea is to make your own meme on the outside, as a statement of how either good you are or as a continuation as for how good the broccoli is. Then you send it to a friend, as a little help to make them become better. The only way you can get better, is by choosing broccoli.

My design choices:

For the “FOOD FOR THOUGHT” logo, I decided to make a simple logo so that it doesn’t take over my already simple logo for the broccoli.

Inside the promotional envelopes, there are instructions on how to grow the broccoli. To make it easier for the users, I decided to make a index system the pictures the different steps.

The main idea behind memes, is that people are supposed to create their own and interact with others. I created my meme on, so that others can go in and make their own!

The posters are made for outside advertising. On billboards, buss stations and in subway stations. Here is an example of how it can look like.

*note: not original photo of NYC billboard

From the midterm review, I was asked if I could change the colors of the broccoli, so that the posters doesn’t override the two color maximum. But as I tried to work with it, I really didn’t like it and it made the posters look very dull and boring. So, I decided to stick with my green broccoli.

Here are some photos I took of my promotional envelopes:

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