• My design blog

Cook book grid

This example comes from one of my Swedish cook books. They have very nice layout with colorful pictures and simple design. There is little text and minimalistic design choices that makes the pictures do a lot of the work.    

Food gourmet icons

http://graphicleftovers.com/graphic/gourmet-food-icon-set-273/ I like these icons because you can clearly see what they represent. I like how they take it one step further and uses the negative space to create more of the icon.  

Vogue article

  The positive/negative space picture show clearly that the article has too many pictures that are stuffed in the middle and out to the sides. There is just too much going on. They should change the font of the title because it is competing too much with the Vogue-title and everything else. The pictures down … Continue reading

Bad article example

http://petticoatjunction46.com/var/aw/45828/556242-magazinearticle%5B1%5D.pdf This is my example of a bad designed article. Everything about it makes me gag. We can start by looking at the first picture that is fading into the text at the bottom with the orange text that has some kind of glorifying outlines at the top. The font is hard to read and … Continue reading

Good article example

http://www.crestron.com/downloads/pdf/featured_articles/79/Food_Fun_&_AV_Jack_Astors_Bar_.pdf This is my example of a “good” article. Here we see the first page with its eye-catching picture and its catchy title. The columns are good spaced and the text is easy to read. The two different fonts work very well together. It is a nice combination of an sans-serif font (which I believe is … Continue reading

The first